School Self Evaluation

The Chief Inspector of the Education and Training Inspectorate (ETI) in Northern Ireland recently indicated that the Inspectorate was going to continue to promote self-evaluation and self-improvement as an important lever for school improvement and whole-school development. School self-evaluation is an approach to organisational improvement that places learning and dialogue at the heart of matters. It is an approach that eschews instrumental, controlling and bureaucratic change management strategies having narrow foci on performance and efficiency (Clarke et al 1998). As Brighouse and Woods (1999) suggest, it really provides schools with an opportunity to increase the common wealth of its curiosity-an extension of knowledge through the sharing of other peoples’ ideas. This directory includes a range of school self- evaluation instrument to support transformative change for citizenship education.

Citizenship Self Evaluation Tool

DENI – School Development Planning ( June 2005)

Global Teacher Project


LOCAL & GLOBAL CITIZENSHIP IN NORTHERN IRELAND. The Community Relations Index: self-evaluation tools for schools and classrooms (UNDER DEVELOPMENT – DRAFT Document)

School Improvement Planning
Support materials for auditing education for citizenship

The Collaborative for Social and Emotional Learning

Tool for Quality Assurance of Education for Democratic Citizenship in Schools (2005

Whole-School Global Citizenship Audi

World Education Centre -Education For Global Citizenship: An Inset Resource For Teacher