Using ICT to make Differentiated Worksheets

All pupils are entitled to have equal access and opportunities to the curriculum. Teachers often do this by broadly teaching the same lesson topic. Pupils will often be given different tasks to carry out, they will be asked different questions, different amounts of help may be given and different outcomes will probably be expected of them depending upon their stage of development. One way of assessing progress may be by using differentiated worksheets. This is nothing new; good teachers have been doing it for years and some publishers do publish material which has the same topic at different levels. Using ICT can be very useful and can allow differentiation at many different levels within a class. Your task is to choose a worksheet for any topic you might teach and use ICT to differentiate it for at least three groups of pupils.


Here are some examples of a worksheet which can be used in the science topic; Plants.

1. This is the worksheet as it might be used for the majority of pupils as a pencil and paper exercise. Plants: Individual Variation
2. This is the same worksheet as above but has been designed for filling in on the computer. Plants: Individual Variation - ICT version
  3. This version makes use of drag and drop so that pupils can select the correct answers. Plants: Individual Variation - drag and drop
  4. This is another selection method using drop down menus. Plants: Individual Variation - drop down menus
  5. This is a very simplified version using sound to help for the pupil who may have more serious learning difficulties. Plants: with sound