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 Special Education Needs

  Resources & help -


Visual Aids:

-         write main headings, keywords and key questions on board or Overhead Projector before starting a lesson.

-         Clearly point out objects which are being discussed.

-         If possible, use video tapes with subtitles, or if not available, write out a summary of content.

-         Allow the deaf child to take video home for second viewing if necessary.

-         Use pictures to support spoken lesson wherever possible.

Technical Support:

-         Soundfield systems allow a teacher to wear a microphone and an amplifier allows all children in the room to hear more clearly.

-    Radio aids can be supplied which can help to cut out background noise.  The teacher carries a microphone and the pupil has a receiver.

Be aware of the need to switch it on when talking to the deaf child but to switch it off when you are talking privately to others.

Teachers should avoid wearing loose jewellery etc. which can hit the microphone and create loud noise.

Image of Hearing Aid

Further Information

Passport to Life - A Guide to the Law in audio format especially for those with disabilities. Contains basic information about everyday rights and responsibilities, the lack of which is a profound barrier to more independent living.


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