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 Special Education Needs



  • Focus on what is done well and give praise and encouragement. Be wary of asking pupils to read aloud in a large class. If necessary for oral assessment etc. give them cue cards with small amounts of text rather than one long block of text.

  • When marking tick the correct work - don't highlight all the mistakes.  With older children a dot in the margin is a good way to indicate mistakes rather than using lots of red pen.

  •  Give written instructions for homework and in class, try to write instructions on board.

  •  Don't give out too much work at one time.

  •  If possible, consider other ways of recording work, e.g. tape recorders, diagrams, computer etc.
     Encourage the child to think what he/she has to do before starting and perhaps verbalise it to you.

    Display key words/subject vocabulary on walls; provide word banks.

    Study Points

    A recent task set as a homework for a class of children by a supply teacher consisted of a worksheet with a word search, 6 jumbled sentences and some mis-spelt words needing corrected.

    Why is this likely to be unsuitable for a child with dyslexia?

  • Provide photocopied notes; highlight or underline key phrases etc. Increasing the line spacing between rows of word may help. Try different fonts in word processed work, e.g. Comic Sans size 14/16 is reported to be quite successful with those who have SpLD. Even in 6th form where pupils are considered to be capable and relatively independent it is important to give them full sets of notes as they are not likely to be able to take notes and achieve full understanding at the same time. If possible provide the notes a day or so before the lesson so that the pupils can read them and be ready with questions; this can help where delayed processing is an issue.

  • Provide support in form of frameworks for writing. The pupils may lack organisational skills. Mind maps and diagrams can be very helpful. These pupils may need longer than others to produce written work.

  • Sometimes pupils with dyslexia find it hard to concentrate. Using a visual timetable/list of things which have to be done may help, e.g. date, title etc. when completing a piece of writing.

Further Information

A Dyslexic Child in the Classroom by Patricia Hodge

Dyslexia and Maths

Dyslexia and Handwriting Dyslexia in School: Planning and Implementing Appropriate Teaching Interventions

Readability Essay (D Wilson)

Strategies for Mainstream Teachers
Teachers' Questions and Answers (pdf)

Tips for learning number words from

Mindmapping  An Introduction to Concept Mapping
Inclusive Dyslexia Friendly Practice  


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