This section has links to advice on issues related to copyright and online safety.
Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988 (UK)
see points 32-36 for Education
Copyright and Related Rights Act, 2000 (ROI)
see points 50-52 and 128-129 for Education
Public Video Screening Licence
A copyright licence is required to screen films in educational institutions under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 (UK), if the film is being screened for entertainment purposes rather than for the purposes of instruction or as part of the lesson.
A licence is required when films are screened for the benefit of:
End-of-term treats
After-school clubs*
Wet weather alternatives
Staff/student social event
*please note that if your after-school club is run by the school for pupils only, you will be covered under the PVSL taken out for the school and do not require a separate licence.
Administered by Film Bank, the PVSL is an annual licence entitling holders to screen unlimited films throughout the year using their own DVDs/Home Videos purchased from any legitimate outlet.§ion=pvsl&subsection=home
Performing Right Society
A PRS Licence is required for the non-curricular use of copyrighted music in schools.
Teachers TV
KS3/4 ICT – Online Safety. This programme outlines simple classroom activities to help teachers to take practical steps to keep pupils safe online and to increase awareness of the potential dangers of internet usage.
Other resources and links available at:
The Klicksafe website contains audiovisual awareness material collected by the German Insafe awareness node.
BBC Wales
BBC Wales showcases digital storytelling work with communities in Wales. Their website contains a downloadable guide on the process of making digital stories with guidance on copyright and seeking permission from contributors.