Tag Archives: haemophilia

Emergency action in the event of Haemophilia or Von Willebrand’s

Haemophilia and Von Willebrand’s are blood disorders which stop normal blood clotting when a person gets a cut or bump. They are both genetic disorders; haemophilia almost always occurs in males only but the defective gene is carried by females. Von Willebrand’s appears in both sexes. The conditions can range from severe, where spontaneous bleeding occurs without the person receiving an injury to mild where a severe injury causes continual bleeding.

Normal P.E. and physical activities should be encouraged but contact sports should be avoided as should hockey and football in older children. Swimming is to be encouraged.

Although children with these conditions tend to bruise more easily and bleed more or for longer, there is no need to panic; children will not bleed to death if they cut themselves. A plaster should be applied and pressure put on to a cut for as long as necessary. If bleeding hasn’t stopped in 10-15 minutes then parents or doctor should be called. Severe cuts should be treated at hospital. These may take longer than usual to heal.

Signs of internal bleeding

  • A child may be holding a limb in an unusual position
  • The child may complain of pain when moving a joint
  • There may be swelling
  • The site of bleeding may be warm.
  • The child may hold the painful area.

The main problem is internal bleeding caused by heavy bangs to the body, especially the head. If a child with haemophilia receives a severe bang, he/she should be sent to hospital as soon as possible.

Further Information
