The role of the resource teacher is to assist the class teacher and to provide additional one to one support for children with moderate learning difficulties.
When a child is assessed to be at Stage 3 of the Three Stage Model, he/she is usually given extra help from the resource teacher. This is intended to be given on a one-to-one basis where children with special needs are withdrawn for lessons. In bigger schools children can be educated in a special class along with others with similar needs, taught by resource teachers.
The resource teacher will consider ways in which the curriculum can be differentiated in the classroom, together with suitable materials and possible teaching and learning strategies. She/he will set specific, time-related targets for each child in agreement with the class teacher.
He/she will be responsible for monitoring and assessing and recording the progress of the child alongside the classroom teacher.
When an individual education plan is made for a child he/she will often be the key worker. This entails working with others to plan learning objectives and teaching strategies.
He/she will be responsible for meeting and advising the parents, often with the class teacher.
He/she will meet with other relevant professionals in relation to the child.