Tag Archives: diversity

Together Towards Inclusion: a toolkit for trainers (2)


  • Focused research into post primary needs North and South
  • Identification of common needs North and South
  • Identification and response to common challenges North and South
  • Addressing whole school and classroom challenges at post primary level North and South
  • Promotion of the inclusive post primary school/classroom
  • Enhanced provision for post primary sector
  • Sharing best practice

A conference for 120 delegates was held in the Grand Hotel Malahide on Friday 3rd April 2009 to disseminate best practice in this area.


Bringing School Communities Together to Promote Education for Diversity

  1. To involving four pairs of schools, in each jurisdiction, that have a history of involvement in intercultural and/or multicultural education and where particularly in the N Irish context, cross-community contact is viewed as one important location for making a contribution to such work.
  2. To engage Dr Simon Lichman to facilitate residential cross-border professional development with teachers from the paired schools mention in 1. above according to the methodologies of the Centre for Creativity in Education and Cultural Heritage.
  3. To encourage the school-attached professional personnel connected with the paired schools to attend residential professional development sessions.
  4. To have two school-home-community projects up and running in each jurisdiction by the end of the school year incorporating an action-research network of practitioners and researchers.
  5. To have completed a proposal for securing long-term funding.