Tag Archives: Maths

A Cross-border comparison of Student Teachers’ Identities relating to Mathematics

The Project Aim is to ascertain and compare the mathematical identities of primary school student teachers.

Project Objectives:

  • To briefly compare the mathematics curricula (4-17) north and south and provide a comparison of mathematics in initial teacher education
  • To determine the mathematical identity of selected student teachers using a range of tools including the use of narrative.
  • To explore how narrative might inform good practice in mathematics education.




ICT and Maths

Using I.C.T. can help explain concepts in a multi-sensory way.  It can allow pupils to explore, explain and describe what is happening.


Image of calculator
Use of CD ROM and Internet to help consolidate knowledge of 2d shapes.

Further Information

Calculators: Guidelines for Second-Level Schools published by Stationery Office in Dublin
Tel 01-647 6834/5 Price E2

Multiplication Master – this is a large format simple program to help with table reinforcement