A comparative study into further education north and south of Ireland

Towards a framework for further education teaching  qualifications

The purpose of this research project is to:

  1. Establish an expert consultative forum of key stakeholders to advise on Teacher Education in North and South of Ireland
  2. Investigate models of Teacher Education for FE that currently exist in the North and south of Ireland
  3. Devise a joint framework for Teacher Education for the FE sector in North and South of Ireland focusing on the need to enhance employability and enterprise.
  4. Consult the Managers and relevant staff of FE colleges in North and South Ireland to ensure the needs of providers is built into the plans for teacher education for FE.
  5. Consult with staff in GTC NI and the TC South of Ireland
  6. Design a framework and present findings to the key stakeholders (Teaching Councils and associated working groups, North Eastern Further and Higher Education Alliance, College Managers through the consultative forum and Teacher Education Providers North and South).
  7. Dissemination of Project findings at a conference upon completion of Project