
  • Two main types; tonic/clonic (grand mal) and absences (petit mal).
  • Can be genetic or can be the result of other trauma
A person with this condition has fits (seizures) caused by a disruption in the electrical charge in the cells of the brain.  The fits can be severe and include jerking of the limbs, spasticity of the limbs, foaming at the mouth, falling and unconsciousness, but many people with epilepsy have fits of the absence kind where they do not lose consciousness but just seem to ‘be in a dream’ for a short time.

Things to look out for:  A person having a petit mal fit (absence) may look as if they are simply staring into space.  They may have missed part of the lesson without anyone noticing.  Sufferers often sense they are going to have a fit in that they may experience a strange smell or sound. (an aura)

Treatment:  Medication.

Most epilepsy is controlled by medication but there is always a possibility that a fit can occur. *see below

Teaching Strategies

Medical Information

People who can help: SENCO/Resource Teacher


Image of Nurse

Further Information
