Special Educational Needs in Initial Teacher Education (SENITE)

22 – 23 March 2004
Trinity college, Dublin

In the context of Special Educational Needs and Initial Teacher Education the conference sought to conduct a shared review and assessment of practice in the North and South of Ireland, to establish a supportive network of researchers and practitioners and to develop a rationale for future action.

Hugh Kearns and Michael Shevlin introduced the conference theme from the perspectives and contexts of teacher education in each of their own jurisdictions. Paddy Manning (Department of Education, Education and Training Inspectorate Northern Ireland) and Don Mahon (Department of Education Inspectorate, Republic of Ireland) each reviewed SEN provision in schools in their jurisdictions. These introductions outlined the implications of recent and emerging trends in Initial Teacher Education and in provision for Special Educational Needs North and South. They developed a rationale for the organisation and the objectives of the conference and the issues upon which the views of representatives needed to be sought.
