The Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO) Is responsible for:
- the day to day operation of the school’s SEN policy
- answering requests for advice from teachers
- the co-ordination of provision, including liaison with all teachers involved
- maintaining SEN register for all pupils with special needs.
- establishing and contributing to SEN inset training
- liaison with external agencies
- and should keep written notes of all correspondence, tests and contacts with parents and other parties.
When a child is identified (Stage 1) the SENCO should :
- ensure child is placed on register.
- help and advise the class teacher on assessing the child
At Stage 2 the SENCO :
- is primarily responsible for assessing, planning, monitoring and reviewing child’s provision and progress.
- should consult with outside agencies involved with the child.
- with the classroom teacher, should draw up an Education Plan (EP)
At Stage 3 the SENCO:
- still takes a leading role but shares responsibility for the child with the external specialist services.
- should inform the ELB when a child moves to stage 3.
- will work with the external specialists and the classroom teacher to draw up a new EP for the child, considering different teaching approaches, support materials and ICT.
- will make arrangements for monitoring progress against the EP, and will arrange a review of progress, usually within a term.
At Stage 4 the SENCO:
- will be asked for details of the assessment of, and provision for the child’s special needs during his time at the school.
At Stage 5 the SENCO:
- or the class teacher, will be required to attend the annual review of a statemented child.
- will be asked by the principal to provide written information about the child.
- should, after the review, receive a report summarizing outcomes and targets for the coming year.
Further Information
How to Survive and Succeed as a SENCO LDA £10
Guidance on Aspects of SEN
Provision Mapping (some ideas on how to make schools more inclusive)
Tips for New SENCOS Record keeping Tips
Role of SENCO – paperwork (pdf) (extracted from materials provided by the Interboard Learning Support Team (N.I.) SENCO job description ( English system)