Tag Archives: Dyscalculia

Teaching a child with Dyscalculia

  • Don’t expect the child to recite tables or other facts.
  • Give him/her concrete reference materials wherever possible, e.g. a number square or calculator.
  • Teach pupils to follow a given method with steps for problem solving.
  • Provide wall charts/maths dictionaries etc. with maths language definitions.
  • Put a list of numbers and their spellings on a prompt card.
  • Make prompt cards with symbols and alternative names.
  • Provide audio tapes of multiplication tables.
  • Use headed columns for place value.
  • Use arrows to explain direction of computation.

Further Information

There is now a piece of software called Dyscalculia Screener which will be available soon in all schools on the C2K system.

Touch Maths a multi-sensory approach to maths. Free samples and information available on the website.


Some number recognition games are available at Priory Woods website.


A very specific difficulty in mathematics, often with numeracy, but no accompanying difficulty with literacy.

What to look for: pupils may have difficulty in remembering and carrying out sequenced instructions, they can confuse telephone numbers.  They might have problems with word sums or in problems following procedures in problem-solving.  They might have difficulty recognizing patterns or they might write numbers the wrong way around.  They sometimes muddle digits and operators and have poor estimation skills.  They may lack confidence and have low self-esteem during maths lessons and may work slower than others.

Case Studies

Teaching Strategies

People who can help: SENCO/Resource Teacher


Further Information
